Thespian Comparing Actors to Async and Coroutines

There are many options for performing asynchronous programming in Python, one of which is the new asyncio and coroutine functionality introduced in recent versions of Python.

Brett Cannon of the Python core team recently wrote a great introductory article on async/await functionality in Python. In this article, I'll contrast the async/await functionality Brett described with the actor model.

The asyncio functionality introduced into Python is a significant move forward from the typical blocking I/O methodology and should be preferred over the latter, but actors still present several significant advantages over asyncio that makes them the real preference for this type of functionality.

To substantiate this position, this article will first present an actor-based alternative to the "rocket launcer" example code in Brett's article.

from thespian.actors import *
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

class CountDown(Actor):
    def receiveMessage(self, msg, sender):
        if isinstance(msg, tuple):
            self.starter = sender
            self.label, self.length = msg[:2]
            self.delay = msg[2] if len(msg) == 3 else 0
            print(self.label, 'waiting', self.delay,
                  'seconds before starting countdown')
            if self.delay:
        elif isinstance(msg, ActorExitRequest):
        # msg is either WakeupMessage or fall-thru from tuple above if
        # delay is 0
        if self.delay is not None:
            print(self.label, 'starting after waiting',
                  msg.delayPeriod if isinstance(msg, WakeupMessage) else
            self.delay = None
        if self.length:
            print(self.label, 'T-minus', self.length)
            self.length -= 1
            print(self.label, 'lift-off!')
            self.send(self.starter, self.myAddress)

def main(base):
    asys = ActorSystem(base)
        actors = [asys.createActor(CountDown) for _ in range(3)]
        start =
        asys.tell(actors[0], ('A', 5))
        asys.tell(actors[1], ('B', 3, 2))
        asys.tell(actors[2], ('C', 4, 1))
        while actors:
            rsp = asys.listen(timedelta(seconds=10))
            del actors[actors.index(rsp)]
        print('Total elapsed time is', - start)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import sys
    # Try:  python3 {BASENAME}
    #   where basename is one of: simpleSystemBase, multiprocUDPBase
    #                             multiprocTCPBase, multiprocQueueBase }

There are naturally other ways of implementing this rather-contrived example, as well as many things that could be done to extend it and add functionality, but the implementation above is hopefully fairly close in intent to Brett's version.

Using the example above as the basis for comparison, the following conclusions may be drawn:

  1. Actors are simple to use. There is very little overhead or boilerplate to creating Actors, and the code within them does not need to utilize any special keywords or functionality (although they certainly can, within the context of that actor).

    One observation of this is by comparing code size (removing the docstrings from Brett's version, but keeping the comments):

    Implementation File Size Lines of code
    async/await 2.5KB 79
    actor 1.8KB 51
  1. The Actor Model provides a higher-level of abstraction, while still providing equivalent functionality. When working with asyncio, the developer must constantly be aware of the needs and techniques of that approach, and the resulting code shows these concerns throughout. By contrast, an actor interacts simply be sending and receiving messages, which is usually expressed at the entry/exit points instead of throughout the body of the code.

    By extension, the actor-based implementation is more easily read and understood.

  2. The Actor Model separates core code from the scheduling infrastructure, which both simplifies the core code and allows flexibility in changing the infrastructure.

    For example, the actor-based implementation above runs by default in a single process, single thread, much the same as the async/await version. However, simply by passing the name of a different system base as an extra command line argument, the actor-based implementation can easily changed to other implementations; for example, multiple processes communicating by TCP or UDP.

  3. As an extension of the previous point, it would be relatively trivial to extend the actor-based implementation to run the different CountDown actors on separate systems. Extending the asyncio version to run across different systems would require significantly more effort and introduce more explicit networking code into that version.
  4. The asyncio is only available in later versions of Python, whereas the Thespian actor library supports Python2.6 through Python3.5 (without requiring any changes to the actors).

There are certainly cases where asyncio is a better solution, and coroutines provide useful functionality beyond the realm of asyncio, but using actors as a standard concurrently methodology has clear advantages.

Author: Kevin Quick <>

Created: 2016-02-14 Sun 14:42

Emacs 24.5.2 (Org mode 8.2.10)
